75 today. It doesn’t seem as old as I expected. We age one day at a time, so it creeped up on me. A new ache here, a stiff joint there, less energy, and more resting my eyes on the sofa. But I’m grateful for every day I’ve had, and everyone I’ll have.
In a couple of hours, I’ll head to my home church (COTC) to worship with Dottie—my amazing and wonderful wife of 51+ years. God will be there and so will many long-time and new friends.
This afternoon (after a nap), Cathy, Russ, Aaron, Caleb and Seth (CRACS) will show up to celebrate. Barbeque from Moe’s plus other stuff I like. Seth will joke (?) about me being “old,” but there’ll be lots of hugs and fun.
Still unretired, tomorrow I’ll head to my current assignment at The Bridge Fellowship (TBF) in Lebanon. No doubt, there’ll be a bit of good-natured joking while we spend the day getting ready to celebrate Resurrection Day (Easter) next Sunday. Tomorrow evening, it’s back home, I’ll mow the grass, then it’s back to TBF on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Thursday morning I’ll be at an early morning meeting of Living Sent (Christian business people), have lunch with Dave Wilson of Search Ministries, pick up Seth from school at 2:30, shoot a few hoops with him, then have dinner with CRACS.
Friday I’ll be back in Lebanon, setting up for about 4000 people to attend the two Easter services on Sunday.
Saturday, I’ll mow the grass again, then off with Dottie to an Easter Service at COTC.
Next Sunday, it’s back to TBF for two Easter services, then a couple of hours of cleanup.
I don’t know if that is a typical week for a 75-year-old, but it’s my week and I love it.
A week later, we’re off to Florida for a college reunion with about 20 friends. A month later, it’s Raleigh (NC) to celebrate the 1stbirthday of Gus—our newest grandson (son of Elizabeth and Jay). In July, it’s back to Florida for a week with CRACS; we’ll cap off the summer with a week in Maine (just the two of us).
James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father…”
I’ve had more than my share of good and perfect gifts from God. So…I’m grateful…very grateful!
Copyright 2019 by Dick Wells, The Hard Lessons Company
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