Raising the level of your leadership

The Moody Way

One of my heroes in life, Ed Moody, passed a few weeks ago. Ed was one of the three or four finest men I have ever known (and I’ve been around long enough to know a lot of men). He is a legend here in Franklin (TN), and so is the business he started back in the ‘40s with his brother, Tom: Moody’s Tires.

At Moody’s, the focus is on serving people, not selling to customers. Ed has been known to replace a faulty tire he didn’t sell in the first place. Why? “People come back. Customers may not.” Tire rotation is free at Moody’s and they don’t ask whether you bought the tires there or not. Why? “People come back. Customers go shopping.” And I do. Year after year, for tires or whatever I need. Why? They treat me like a people, not like a customer.

So whatever you are doing in life, if you’ll focus on serving, not selling (tires or yourself), you have a great chance of being successful, maybe even for as long as the Moodys have.

By the way, the Moody Way continues as the store is now run by a second generation Moody, Jim, and a third generation Moody is waiting in the wings. I suspect they’ll be around serving people for another 60+ years.

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© Copyright 2013 by Dick Wells, The Hard Lessons Company

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