Raising the level of your leadership

Thanks, Jessie

sign – THANK YOU – dark red background and white letter, blue sky

Jessie Garrett was my high school math teacher who—when I wasn’t planning on going—asked me, “Where are you going to college?” One year later, I was at Georgia Tech studying Aerospace Engineering. Thanks, Jessie.

John Duhon was my first boss in the aerospace business. He overlooked my “know-it-all” attitude and obnoxious behavior as an engineering intern. He mentored and encouraged me. Thanks, John.

Jim Rourke let me write a paper and present it at an aerospace conference in only my second year out of college. Thanks, Jim.

Jan Drees chose me to become a project engineer, my first step into real leadership. Thanks, Jan.

Ted Hoffman taught me what I needed to know about customers. Thanks, Ted.

Jack Floyd gave me a lot more freedom than I deserved. Thanks, Jack.

Cliff Kalista gave me my first job in marketing. Thanks, Cliff.

Bob Eggars taught me how to manage a project, delivering almost 500 helicopters in one year. Thanks, Bob.

John Kleban trusted me enough to run finance even though I had never even had an accounting class. Thanks, John.

CEO Bev Dolan was my #1 supporter at the Textron corporate office. Thanks, Bev.

Fred Hubbard recommended me to replace him as president at Textron Aerostructures. Thanks, Fred.

Richard, Kurt, Julie, John, Mike, Diane, David, Sandy, Linda, Laura and many others all fully supported me as I stumbled around learning how to lead in various roles. Thanks, all of you.

Rick White gave me my first opportunity to lead in my church. Thanks, Rick.

Carl Roberts told me that Hard Lessons was exactly what I should do and sponsored the first workshop at his company. He also provided the impetus I needed to write 16 Stones. Thanks, Carl.

Dottie, my amazing wife of 50 years, took care of the fort while I traveled more than 2 million miles. She raised two wonderful daughters, stood by me and supported me—for better or worse. She was the better part. I was the worse part. Thanks, Dottie, I love you.

God knows me—really knows me—and loves me anyway. Thanks, God.

Whatever success you have enjoyed, you didn’t pull it off by yourself. Take a few minutes this Thursday to remember those who helped you along the way.

If this post was interesting and useful to you, please forward it to a friend. Thanks.

© Copyright 2017 by Dick Wells, The Hard Lessons Company

Thanks, Jessie…And A Host Of Others

sign - THANK YOU - dark red background and white letter, blue sky

Jessie Garrett was my high school math teacher who—when I wasn’t planning on going—asked me, “Where are you going to college?” One year later, I was at Georgia Tech studying Aerospace Engineering. Thanks, Jessie.

John Duhon was my first boss in the aerospace business. He overlooked my “know-it-all” attitude and obnoxious behavior as an engineering intern. He mentored and encouraged me. Thanks, John.
Jim Rourke let me write a paper and present it at an aerospace conference in only my second year out of college. Thanks, Jim.

Jan Drees chose me to become a project engineer, my first step into real leadership. Thanks, Jan.

Ted Hoffman taught me what I needed to know about customers. Thanks, Ted.

Jack Floyd gave me a lot more freedom than I deserved. Thanks, Jack.

Cliff Kalista gave me my first job in marketing. Thanks, Cliff.

Bob Eggars taught me how to manage a project, delivering almost 500 helicopters in one year. Thanks, Bob.

John Kleban trusted me enough to run finance even though I had never even had an accounting class. Thanks, John.

CEO Bev Dolan was my #1 supporter at the Textron corporate office. Thanks, Bev.

Fred Hubbard recommended me to replace him as president at Textron Aerostructures. Thanks, Fred.

Richard, Kurt, Julie, John, Mike, Diane, David, Sandy, Linda and many others all fully supported me as I stumbled around learning how to lead. Thanks, all of you.

Carl Roberts told me that Hard Lessons was exactly what I should do and sponsored the first workshop at his company. Thanks, Carl.

Dottie, my amazing wife of 48 years, took care of the fort while I traveled more than 2 million miles, raised two wonderful daughters, stood by me and supported me—for better or worse. She was the better part. I was the worse part. Thanks, Dottie, I love you.

God knows me—really knows me—and loves me anyway. Thanks, God.

Whatever success you have enjoyed, you didn’t pull it off by yourself. Take a few minutes this Thursday to remember those who helped you along the way.

© Copyright 2015 by Dick Wells, The Hard Lessons Company

If this post was interesting and useful to you, please forward it to a friend. Thanks.

Why Do Americans Complain So Much?

The second half of August was an exciting time for those of us in the Nashville area because we were represented in the Little League World Series (LLWS) by a team from Goodlettsville (north side of Nashville). By the way, the LLWS is a true “world” series—half of the teams are international.

Led by Jayson Brown, Brock Myers, Lorenzo Butler and manager Joey Hale, Goodlettsville had a great run, won the U.S.championship, and lost only to the “megatron” team from Tokyo, Japan, in the finals.

Between games, the Goodlettsville players spent their time hanging out with the other teams, most notably the team from Lugazi, Uganda; the first ever appearance of a Ugandan team in the LLWS.

Earlier this week, I was listening to a sports talk radio show that did a 3-months-later interview with manager Hale. What was the primary topic of discussion? Uganda.

Manager Hale shared a conversation one of his players had with a player from Uganda. Actually, it wasn’t so much a conversation as a question: “Why do Americans complain so much? You have everything.”

In Uganda, the per capita GDP is $477 per year—about $1.30 per day; in the U.S., it is 100X as much ($48,000 per year).

In Uganda, the life expectancy is 53 years; in the U.S., it is 78 years.

In Uganda, 61 out of every 1000 babies born die; in the U.S. it is 6 out of 1000.

In Uganda, people die of starvation; in the U.S., we die from overeating.

In the U.S., we complain if our cable TV or internet connection is lost for a few minutes; in Uganda, millions live with no electricity at all.

In the U.S., we complain because the water “tastes funny” in Florida (I’m guilty); in Uganda, well…you know what the water story is in Africa.

In the U.S., most of us have 10-20 pairs of shoes; the team from Uganda practiced in their bare feet because they couldn’t get used to wearing shoes (which they had to do in the games).

In the U.S., we complain about…enough already.

My purpose in writing this is not to make you feel guilty. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Instead of complaining so much, wouldn’t it be a really good idea for us to all be truly thankful for what we have and how we are blessed?

Why don’t you sneak off to a back room tomorrow and spend 15 minutes alone, making a list of 50 things you are really thankful for. Simple things like clean water, central heat and air, indoor toilets, etc.

Also, take a few minutes to thank God, the giver of “life and breath and all things.”

Let tomorrow be a “no complaining” day. I’m going to try. (I might even like it.)

By the way, the Goodlettsville LL Association has adopted the Uganda LL team and is providing them with equipment, etc. They want to go to Uganda next year to encourage the fledgling Uganda program. Want to help? Check it out at www.goodlettsvillebaseball.com.

[If this post was interesting and useful to you, please forward it to a friend. Thanks.]

© Copyright 2012 by Dick Wells, The Hard Lessons Company

Thanks, Jessie

Jessie Garrett was my high school math teacher who asked me, “Where are you going to college?” One year later, I was at Georgia Tech studying Aerospace Engineering. Thanks, Jessie.

John Duhon was my first boss in the aerospace business. He overlooked my “know-it-all” attitude and obnoxious behavior as an engineering intern. Thanks, John.

Jim Rourke let me write a paper and present it at an aerospace conference in only my second year out of college. Thanks, Jim.

Jan Drees chose me to become a project engineer, my first step into real leadership. Thanks, Jan.

Ted Hoffman taught me what I needed to know about customers. Thanks, Ted.

Jack Floyd gave me a lot more freedom than I deserved. Thanks, Jack.

Cliff Kalista gave me my first job in marketing. Thanks, Cliff.

Bob Eggars taught me how to manage a project, delivering almost 500 helicopters in one year. Thanks, Bob.

John Kleban trusted me enough to run finance even though I had never even had an accounting course. Thanks, John.

Bev Dolan was my #1 supporter at the corporate office. Thanks, Bev.

Fred Hubbard recommended me to replace him as president. Thanks, Fred.

Dick, Kurt, Julie, John, Mike, Diane, David, Sandy, Linda and many others all fully supported me as I stumbled around learning how to lead. Thanks, all of you.

Laura and Kyle encouraged me during dark days. Thanks, guys.

Carl Roberts told me that Hard Lessons was exactly what I should do and sponsored the first workshop at his company. Thanks, Carl.

Dottie, my wife of 44 years, took care of the fort while I traveled more than 2 million miles. She raised two wonderful daughters and stood by me and supported me—for better or worse. She was the better part. I was the worse part. Thanks, Dottie, I love you.

God knows me—really knows me—and loves me anyway. Thanks, God.

Whatever success you have enjoyed, you didn’t pull it off by yourself. Take a few minutes this Thursday to remember those who helped you along the way.

© Copyright 2011 by Dick Wells, The Hard Lessons Company

If this post was interesting and useful to you, please forward it to a friend. Thanks.

  • On Leading Well…

    "The best way to lead people into the future is to connect with them deeply in the present."

    Kouzes & Posner


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