Raising the level of your leadership

Halftime Adjustments

On November 15, 2011, Duke beat Michigan State, giving Coach K (Mike Krzyzewski) his 903rd victory—the most in NCAA Division I men’s basketball history. In his worth-your-time-to-read book, Leading With The Heart, Coach K says that “…basketball is a game of adjustments—just like business.” In basketball, the adjustments can be to change the line-up, use a zone defense instead of the man-to-man that isn’t working, call a timeout and so on. The need for adjustments is true for basketball and business…true for churches…true for life…true for you and true for me.

In the sports world, a lot of adjustments are made at halftime. Since it is halftime for 2012, this is a good time to take a look at your 2012 game plan, evaluate progress, then make adjustments for the second half of the year. The mid-year scorecard for my 2012 NYRs (New Year Resolutions) is not too impressive: one A, one B, two Cs, one D, one dropped. I am firmly committed to raising the C and D before the year ends.

How are you doing? Are you on track for the 2012 honor roll, or like me, need to refocus your efforts?

Is your personal life where you want it in terms of health, relationships, and faith?

How about your business? Are you facing any new challenges that have come out of nowhere?

If you are a church or non-profit, is giving on track? Do you have enough volunteers? How is the morale of your paid staff?

Six months—July through December—is a long time. Don’t let a poor start to 2012 keep you from having a strong finish.

If you are the leader, everyone is watching you. You will set the pace that determines where you finish in 2012. It’s up to you. Step it up!

[If this post was interesting and useful to you, please forward it to a friend. Thanks.]

© Copyright 2012 by Dick Wells, The Hard Lessons Company

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