KISS stands for “keep it simple, stupid.” But it’s not that simple to keep it simple. Wally Bock of Three Star Leadership has great advice in Simplification Made Simple. Click and read. You’ll be glad you did.
If you have any simplification failures you are willing to share, use the Comment section.
Thanks, Dick.
“ ‘Brutal honesty’ is supposed to be a good thing. Lots of bosses pride themselves on it. But gentle honesty is better.”
This is the opening line in yesterday’s Wally Bock blog. (Wally publishes everyday at Three Star Leadership.)
Wally finishes his post with: “You want a team member to leave a conversation about behavior or performance thinking about what will change, not how you treated them.”
Though he is primarily discussing a workplace situation, everything he says applies equally well at home, with friends, wherever.
One of his best bits of advice is don’t use adjectives. I discuss that in depth in chapter 9 of my book, 16 Stones.
It will be worth your time to read his entire post at